Multiple Choice Question and Answer for UPTET Paper 1 (Hindi, English) Model Paper 1 (Marks : 150.00)


Section : Child Development and Methodology and Pedagogy

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
1. Punish the students
2. Send to their parents
3. Counsel the students individually
4. Give them a severe warning

Ques 2. Vygotsky theory implies
1. child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own.
2. collaborative problem solving
3. individual assignments to each student
4. after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions

Ques 3. Discipline means:
1. strict-behaviour
2. severe punishment
3. obedience
4. going by the rules

Ques 4. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called
1. Pedagogy
2. Education
3. Epistemology
4. Cognitive Development

Ques 5. An assessment that is carried out throught the course is called
1. initial assessment
2. formative assessment
3. diagnostic assessment
4. summative assessment

Ques 6. Formative assessment is an assessment __________ learning.
1. of
2. to
3. by
4. for

Ques 7. "The book ""A Brief History of Time"" is written by"
1. Stephen Hawking
2. Robert Sternberg
3. John Dewey
4. Aristotle

Ques 8. In John Dewey's student-centered approach of learning, the role of the teacher is of a
1. facilitator
2. delegator
3. instructor
4. formal authority

Ques 9. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path?
1. Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict vigil on him
2. Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class
3. Give him tasks of watering trees, cleaning the blackboard, making toys of clay etc.
4. None of above

Ques 10. If student is too shy to participate in the class, you will
1. Not ask questions from him
2. Ask only those questions from him whose answers can be given by him
3. Not ask those questions from him whose answers are beyond his means and due to which, he may become objects of ridicule in the class
4. Ask questions from him only when he is keen to answer them

Ques 11. Most important work of teacher is:
1. to organize teaching work
2. to deliver lecture in class
3. to take care of children
4. to evaluate the students

Ques 12. The most important quality of an effective teacher is
1. Deep knowledge about the subject taught
2. A strict disciplinarian
3. Good rapport with the students
4. A good motivator

Ques 13. Which of the following is not a product of learning?
1. Skill
2. Knowledge
3. Maturation
4. Physical structure

Ques 14. Jean Piaget proposed __________ stages of Cognitive Development.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Ques 15. According to the philosophy of Idealism in education, the subject matter of curriculum should be
1. mind
2. science
3. mathematics
4. physical world

Ques 16. The standard deviation is the __________ of the variance.
1. cube
2. cube root
3. square
4. square root

Ques 17. For an effective teaching, the teacher must be a subject matter expert that includes
1. command over the subject
2. the ability to convey knowledge
3. the ability to apply ideas from one discipline to another
4. all of the above

Ques 18. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because:
1. it develops self-confidence in children
2. it makes learning easy
3. it is helpful in intellectual development
4. it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere

Ques 19. The process whereby the genetic factors limit an individual’s responsiveness to the environment is known as:
1. Canalization
2. Discontinuity
3. Differentiation
4. Range of reaction

Ques 20. What was the relation between Plato and Aristotle?
1. Aristotle was student of Plato
2. Plato was student of Aristotle
3. Plato and Aristotle were brothers
4. Plato and Aristotle were colleagues

Ques 21. Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?
1. Headmaster
2. Class-Teacher
3. Mother
4. Tutor

Ques 22. The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called
1. Inductive Reasoning
2. Deductive Reasoning
3. Qualitative Reasoning
4. Quantitative Reasoning

Ques 23. An empowering school will promote which of the following qualities the most in its teachers?
1. tendency to experiment
2. memory
3. disciplined nature
4. competitive aptitude

Ques 24. In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of
1. delegator
2. facilitator
3. facilitator and delegator
4. delegator and formal authority

Ques 25. According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.
1. practical implementation
2. democracy
3. discipline
4. rules

Ques 26. The period of sensory motor adaptation of Piaget is_____
1. 0-2 years
2. 1-3 years
3. 3-5 years
4. 4-6 years

Ques 27. The conclusion of a deductive argument is
1. certain
2. probable
3. experience
4. observation

Ques 28. Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from
1. school
2. burden
3. society
4. past memory

Ques 29. Responses that produce a discomforting effect become __________ to occur again in that situation.
1. not likely
2. less likely
3. more likely
4. equally likely

Ques 30. You find a student to be intelligent. You will
1. Remain pleased with him
2. Not give him additional homework
3. Motivate him so that he can make more progress
4. Inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 2
Ques 3: 4
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 1
Ques 9: 4
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 4
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 1
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 1
Ques 19: 3
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 3
Ques 25: 2
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 3
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 4

Section : Language I (Hindi)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. "सुरेश ने खेलकर दूध पी लिया", इस वाक्य में "खेलकर" कौन सी क्रिया है ?
1. सहायक
2. नाम बोधक
3. सकर्मक
4. पूर्वकालिक

Ques 2. "अवधी" शब्द का अर्थ है-
1. अवध की भाषा
2. काल
3. अवधवासी
4. अंधा

Ques 3. कमल
1. रजनीगंधा
2. गुलाब
3. अम्बुज
4. मल्लिका

Ques 4. आशीर्वाद
1. आशीर+ वाद
2. आशी :+ वाद
3. आशीर् + वाद
4. इनमें से कोई नहीं

Ques 5. चन्द्रमा
1. दिवाकर
2. निषि
3. मार्तण्ड
4. शषि

Ques 6. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. तरूण
2. तरण
3. तरूनु
4. तरून

Ques 7. गोशाला
1. तत्पुरूष
2. द्वन्द्व
3. कर्मधारय
4. द्विगु

Ques 8. स्तन्य
1. खीर
2. पेय
3. कौंध
4. दूध

Ques 9. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. डाक्टर के कहने पर
2. मैंने शाम।सुबह लम्बी सैर
3. पर जाना शुरू कर दिया।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 10. "उन्यासी" शब्द में उपसर्ग है ?
1. उ
2. उन
3. उन्
4. उत्

Ques 11. कन्यादान
1. बहुब्रीहि
2. तत्पुरूष
3. द्विगु
4. कर्मधारय

Ques 12. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. उतसव
2. उत्सव
3. उस्तव
4. उतस्व

Ques 13. रामायण
1. राम + अण
2. राम + आयन
3. राम + अयन
4. रामा + यम्

Ques 14. "निषान्त दौड रहा है," वाक्य में कौन-सी क्रिया है ?
1. सकर्मक
2. प्रेरणार्थक
3. अकर्मक
4. यौगिक

Ques 15. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. स्थायि
2. स्थायी
3. स्थाई
4. स्थाइ

Ques 16. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. गार्हहस्थ्य
2. गार्हस्थ्य
3. गृहसथी
4. ग्राहस्थ्य

Ques 17. तीव्र
1. तीक्ष्ण
2. मंद
3. तीखा
4. कंटक

Ques 18. अनाथ
1. धनी
2. सनाथ
3. निर्धन
4. बेकार

Ques 19. शोषक
1. शोध्य
2. पोषक
3. शोचनीय
4. पालक

Ques 20. किसी अन्य शब्द पर निर्भर नहीं रहने वाली धातु कहलाती है-
1.  मूल
2.  अकर्मक
3.  सकर्मक

Ques 21. गरल
1. सरल
2. विरल
3. अमृत
4. अगम

Ques 22. किस शब्द में "सु" उपसर्ग का प्रयोग के रूप में नहीं हुआ है ?
1. सुयोग्य
2. स्वार्थ
3. सुपुत्र
4. सुहास

Ques 23. गणेश
1. नरेश
2. सुरेश
3. गजानन
4. दिनेश

Ques 24. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. यदि हमें धरती पर अपना अस्तित्व बनाए रखना है[comma]
2. तो पर्यावरण से मित्रता रखनी होगी
3. यह असंदिग्धपूर्ण सत्य है
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 25. जंगल में लगने वाली आग।
1. जठरानल
2. दावानल
3. बडवानल
4. कामानल

Instruction : विद्यार्थी जीवन को मानव जीवन की रीढ़ की हड्डी कहें तो कोई अतिशयोक्त्ति नहीं होगी। विद्यार्थी काल मे बालक में जो संस्कार पड़ जाते हैं जीवन-भर वही संस्कार अमिट रहते हैं। इसीलिए यही काल आधारशिला कहा गया है। यदि यह नींव दृढ बन जाती है तो जीवन सुदृढ़ और सुखी बन जाता है। यदि इस काल में बालक कष्ट सहन कर लेता है तो उसका स्वास्थ्य सुंदर बनता है। यदि मन लगाकर अध्ययन कर लेता है तो उसे ज्ञान मिलता है, उसका मानसिक विकास होता है। जिस वृक्ष को प्रारंभ से सुंदर सिंचन और खाद मिल जाती है, वह पुष्पित एवं पल्लवित होकर संसार को सौरभ देने लगता है। इसी प्रकार विद्यार्थी काल में जो बालक श्रम, अनुशासन, समय एवं नियमन के साँचे में ढल जाता है, वह आदर्श विद्यार्थी बनकर सभ्य नागरिक बन जाता है। सभ्य नागरिक के लिए जिन-जिन गुणों की आवश्यकता है उन गुणों के लिए विद्यार्थी काल ही तो सुन्दर पाठशाला है। यहाँ पर अपने साथियों के बीच रह कर वे सभी गुण आ जाने आवश्यक हैं, जिनकी कि विद्यार्थी को अपने जीवन में आवश्यकता होती है।(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)
Ques 26. गद्यांश के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि
1. विद्यार्थी जीवन में व्यक्त्ति अनेक गुणों को धारण कर लेता है।
2. विद्यार्थी जीवन के लिए सुंदर पाठशाला की आवश्यकता होती है।
3. कष्ट सहन करने से सेहत बनती है।
4. वृक्षों को सींचना पर्यावरण के लिए आवश्यक है।

Ques 27. मानव जीवन की रीढ़ की हड्डी विद्यार्थी जीवन को क्यों माना जाता है?
1. पूरा जीवन विद्यार्थी जीवन पर चलता है।
2. जो संस्कार विद्यार्थी जीवन में पड़ जाते हैं वे संस्कार स्थायी हो जाते है
3. विद्यार्थी जीवन सुखी जीवन होता है।
4. विद्यार्थी जीवन में ज्ञान मिलता है।

Ques 28. गद्यांश में आदर्श विद्यार्थी के किन गुणों की चर्चा की गई है?
1. नियमावली का पालन
2. ज्ञान प्राप्ति हेतु ध्यान की आवश्यकता की
3. नियमन
4. व्यायाम

Ques 29. ‘संसार को सौरभ’ देने का अर्थ है
1. संसार में सुगंध फैलाना
2. संसार को बेहतर बनाना
3. संसार में पेड़ लगाना
4. संसार को सुगंधित द्रव्य देना

Ques 30. गद्यांश में ‘वृक्ष’ किसे कहा गया है?
1. पेड़ को
2. विद्यार्थी को
3. जीवन को
4. समय को

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 2
Ques 5: 4
Ques 6: 1
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 4
Ques 9: 2
Ques 10: 2
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 3
Ques 15: 2
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 2
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 3
Ques 24: 3
Ques 25: 2
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 2
Ques 28: 1
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 2

Section : Language II (English)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Earthiness
2. Erthiness
3. Earthines
4. Earthhiness

Ques 2. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Acquisition
2. Aquisition
3. Acquizition
4. Acquisision

Ques 3. These four questions can help give you an idea of whether it's time to say goodbye, or keep at it just a little longer
1. Remember
2. Persevere
3. Give up
4. Maintain distance

Ques 4. on 1 March to impose a 25% import tariff on steel (A)/ and a 10% import tariff on aluminium, both on grounds (B)/ United States President Donald Trump’s announcement (C)/ of “national security,” has been widely expected to provoke a trade war (D)

Ques 5. Ebullient
1. Eccentric
2. Sanguine
3. Spiritless
4. Macabre

Ques 6. To kick the bucket
1. To pass away
2. To keep people at a distance
3. To interfere in someone’s affairs
4. To lose a sustained share/position

Ques 7. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Jurisdiction
2. Jurisdection
3. Jurysdiction
4. Juresdiction

Ques 8. Feasible
1. Practical
2. Rejoice
3. Accentuate
4. Accurate

Ques 9. Every dog has its day
1. Almost too late
2. As a low priority
3. Everyone gets a chance eventually
4. Once in a life-time

Ques 10. Provisional
1. Casual
2. Lucky
3. Visible
4. Temporary

Ques 11. if the finance minister had chosen to provide for the (A)/ spending needed to render decisions like a hiked MSP (B )/and a huge healthcare plan feasible, he would (C)/ have had to show a substantially higher fiscal deficit (D)

Ques 12. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Peraffin
2. Pareffin
3. Paraffin
4. Parafin

Ques 13. A recent development that bodes well for the future is the collaboration between Panasonic and Tata Elxsi to develop smart solutions and products.
1. Definite
2. Clues
3. Certain
4. Augur

Ques 14. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Territorry
2. Territery
3. Territory
4. Teritory

Ques 15. Bellicose
1. Ingenious
2. Amicable
3. Belligerent
4. Agnostic

Ques 16. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Kenel
2. Kennal
3. Kainel
4. Kennel

Ques 17. Resplendent
1. Wonderful
2. Dazzling
3. Beautiful
4. Respectful

Ques 18. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Privilage
2. Previlege
3. Privilege
4. Previlage

Ques 19. Baleful
1. Salacious
2. Gregarious
3. Sinister
4. Beneficent

Ques 20. To cut corners
1. Something is better than nothing
2. To look disappointed for something
3. To take short-cuts
4. To sniff something wrong

Ques 21. The city’s fashion-conscious ladies (A) / came together at a city hotel to check out an exibition (B) / by various (C) / designers (D) / and labels. All correct (E)
1. ladies
2. exibition
3. various
4. designers

Ques 22. Dubious
1. Dismal
2. Doubtful
3. Derogatory
4. Devilish

Ques 23. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Sensation
2. Sensasion
3. Sansassion
4. Sansation

Ques 24. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Mischievious
2. Mischeivous
3. Mischeivious
4. Mischievous

Ques 25. swell waves are massive ripples (A)/ that form on the sea due (B)/ to winds coming from as (C)/ far away as Madagascar (D)/

Instruction : If bank nationalisation of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi symbolised the political thought of that time, a clean-up and a gradual withdrawal of state from managing banks may well be the mark that Narendra Modi could leave behind.

Four decades of state-directed lending has come full circle — from the idea of making credit available to the poor which was not possible when rich businessmen controlled banks, to crooked entrepreneurs gaming the system, breaking banks and leaving the bill for the taxpayers to pay.

Matters have come to such a head that the Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan’s zeal to clear the mess that’s hobbling the economy by March 2017 has divided the house in the middle. His surgery may either bring Indian banking back to life, or push it into coma. In fact, some feel that he is behind the curve in administering the medicine.

“There are a lot more companies that should be declared NPAs but have not yet been declared NPAs,” says Neelkanth Mishra, strategist at Credit Suisse. “Companies have operating profits which are much lower than what are needed to cover their interest, which means that they are still getting loans from banks to service their interest and keep their loans alive. So, we think that the RBI has not been stringent enough.”

It is grim — the stressed assets of banks are at 11.3%, which means that the capital they have is not enough to cover the loss of value of their assets. Investors don’t believe the value that banks are assigning to assets so their shares are trading at lower than their book value.

What's the way out ? Banks can keep funding the poorly structured assets and wait for the economy to gather momentum to get their money back, or recognise the loss of value and find another manager to run the company better and recover their dues. “Our option, when we look at stressed loans, is either carry them as a zombie, pretend and lend, or accept surgery. If we have a structural solution of capacity creation then the second is better. Otherwise, we are down the path of first,” said Uday Kotak, vice-chairman of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

International experience shows that when the bad-loan recognitions are postponed banks lose their ability to fund an economic revival — as it happened in Japan with ‘zombies’ after the 1989 crash. And the other is like Sweden, or the US, where asset values are written down, new buyers found, and additional capital is invested. Furthermore, if banks are laden with bad assets, their ability to lend is crippled as they focus on recovery of loans and some even gamble away to compensate for the losses.

“There are two approaches that zombie bank managers take as they struggle to bring their institutions back to life,” writes Yalman Onaran in ‘Zombie Banks’. “They’ll hoard cash and give a few new risky loans, and wait for the slow profit-building to pay for the losses overtime. Or they will take much bigger risks with the hope that they can make windfall profits to plug the holes.”

State-run banks’ reluctance to lend is reflected in the credit numbers. Government banks’ credit growth slowed to 6.7% December last, from 19.1% in the same month in 2013 while private sector banks’ credit growth accelerated to 20.5% in the same period from 16%.

Governor’s advocacy of surgery may appear to be an option, but it comes with some immediate costs. Banks are reporting record losses and are on course to record more in the coming quarters as they race to complete the exercise by March 2017. The Indian industry, which is not used to this kind of shock treatment, is resisting it. Bankers say public perception is turning adverse.

The RBI says the “recognition of NPAs was the anaesthetic needed for the surgery,” says Deepak Parekh, chairman of HDFC. “I only wish to caution that too much of anaesthesia can also result in a patient becoming comatose!(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)

Ques 26. Which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning as : Crippled
1. enfeebled
2. hurt
3. weakened
4. strengthened

Ques 27. Which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning as : Comatose
1. alert
2. agile
3. insensible
4. conscious

Ques 28. Which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning as : Hobbling
1. moving
2. helping
3. facilitating
4. developing

Ques 29. Which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning as : Crooked
1. errant
2. straight
3. honest
4. upright

Ques 30. Which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning as : Stringent
1. confining
2. harsh
3. flexible
4. hard

Answers are:
Ques 1: 1
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 2
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 3
Ques 6: 1
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 1
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 5
Ques 12: 3
Ques 13: 4
Ques 14: 3
Ques 15: 2
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 4
Ques 20: 3
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 1
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 5
Ques 26: 4
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 5
Ques 29: 1
Ques 30: 3

Section : Mathematics

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. A boatman goes 2 km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 5 km in stationary water?
1. 40 minutes
2. 1 hour
3. 1 hr 15 min
4. 1 hr 30 min

Ques 2. A sells an article to B at gain of 25% B sells it to C at a gain of 20% and C sells it to D at a gain 10%. If D pays ₹ 330 for it, how much did it cost to A?
1. ₹ 200
2. ₹ 250
3. ₹ 275
4. ₹ 290

Ques 3.

A person borrows Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to another person at 6 p.a for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year.

1. Rs. 112.50
2. Rs. 125
3. Rs. 150
4. Rs. 167.50

Ques 4. The year next to 1990 will have the same calendar as that of the year 1990?
1. 1995
2. 1997
3. 1996
4. 1992

Ques 5. What is 50% of 40% of Rs. 3,450?
1. Rs. 690
2. Rs. 580
3. Rs. 670
4. Rs. 570

Ques 6.

(0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 + 0.02 x 0.02 x 0.02)/(0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 + 0.04 x 0.04 x 0.04) is


1. 0.0125
2. 0.125
3. 0.25
4. 0.5

Ques 7. A cat leaps 5 leaps for every 4 leaps of a dog, but 3 leaps of the dog are equal to 4 leaps of the cat. What is the ratio of the speed of the cat to that of the dog?
1. 12/30/1899 11:15:00 AM
2. 12/30/1899 3:11:00 PM
3. 12/30/1899 4:15:00 PM
4. 12/30/1899 3:16:00 PM

Ques 8. 600 students took the test on Physics and chemistry. 35% students failed in Physics and 45% students failed in chemistry and 40% of those who passed in chemistry also passed in Physics, then how many students failed in both :
1. 16
2. 15
3. 13
4. 12

Ques 9. P is 6 times greater than Q then by what per cent is Q smaller than P?
1. 84%
2. 85.50%
3. 80%
4. 83.33%

Ques 10. The ratio of daily wages of two workers is 4 : 3 and one gets daily Rs 9 more than the other, what are their daily wages?
1. Rs 80 and Rs 60
2. Rs 60 and Rs 45
3. Rs 36 and Rs 27
4. Rs 32 and Rs 24

Ques 11. The difference between a discount 40% on Rs. 500 and two successive discounts of 30% and 10% the same amount is:
1. Rs. 20
2. Rs. 10
3. Rs. 15
4. Rs. 0

Ques 12. The banker's gain of a certain sum due 2 years hence at 10% per annum is Rs. 24. The present worth is:
1. Rs. 480
2. Rs. 520
3. Rs. 600
4. Rs. 960

Ques 13. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price and the printed price of the book is
1. 45:56:00
2. 45:51:00
3. 47:56:00
4. 47:51:00

Ques 14.

The cube root of .000216 is:

1. .6
2. .06
3. 77
4. 87

Ques 15.

In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns Rs. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for ?

1. 160
2. 175
3. 180
4. 195

Ques 16.

The product of two numbers is 4107. If the H.C.F. of these numbers is 37, then the greater number is:

1. 101
2. 107
3. 111
4. 185

Ques 17. A began a business with Rs. 85,000. He was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 42,500. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio of 3 : 1?
1. 4 months
2. 5 months
3. 6 months
4. 8 months

Ques 18. A passenger travels from Delhi to Merut at a speed of 30 kmph and return with a speed of 60 kmph. What is the average speed?
1. 40
2. 45
3. 50
4. 48

Ques 19.

(25)7.5 x (5)2.5 ÷ (125)1.5 = 5?

1. 8.5
2. 13
3. 16
4. 17.5

Ques 20. There are eight mango trees in a straight line. The distance between each mango tree with other is 3 metres. What is the distance between first tree and eighth tree?
1. 24 m
2. 27 m
3. 30 m
4. 21 m

Ques 21.

Find the lowest common multiple of 24, 36 and 40.

1. 120
2. 240
3. 360
4. 480

Ques 22.

The price of 2 sarees and 4 shirts is Rs. 1600. With the same money one can buy 1 saree and 6 shirts. If one wants to buy 12 shirts, how much shall he have to pay ?

1. Rs. 1200
2. Rs. 2400
3. Rs. 4800
4. Cannot be determined

Ques 23. The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breadth. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square meter is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perimeter of the rectangle?
1. 47m
2. 39m
3. 52m
4. 40m

Ques 24. If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is
1. 50 km
2. 56 km
3. 70 km
4. 80 km

Ques 25. An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 metres of cloth?
1. 178
2. 195
3. 204
4. 488

Ques 26. A man sitting in a train which is traveling at 50 kmph observes that a goods train, traveling in opposite direction, takes 9 seconds to pass him. If the goods train is 280 m long, find its speed.?
1. 50 kmph
2. 58 kmph
3. 62 kmph
4. 65 kmph

Ques 27. The cost price of 19 articles is same as the selling price of 29 articles. What is loss percentage?
1. 52.30%
2. 35%
3. 34.48
4. 30%

Ques 28.

A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the pipe is:

1. 3.6 kg
2. 3.696 kg
3. 36 kg
4. 36.9 kg

Ques 29. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:
1. 220 Kmph
2. 200 Kmph
3. 120 Kmph
4. 230 Kmph

Ques 30. A train 360 m long is running at a speed of 45 km/hr. In what time will it pass a bridge 140 m long?
1. 40 s
2. 45 s
3. 50 s
4. 55 s

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 1
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 4
Ques 8: 4
Ques 9: 4
Ques 10: 3
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 3
Ques 13: 1
Ques 14: 2
Ques 15: 2
Ques 16: 3
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 1
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 4
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 1
Ques 25: 2
Ques 26: 3
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 2
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 1

Section : Environmental Studies

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The tail of flying birds acts as rudder. By this statement we can understand that the tail acts as:
1. A part of the body which is beautiful
2. A part which wards off flies and mosquitoes
3. A part which guides the bird while flying
4. A part which helps the bird take off

Ques 2. What is the Max. allowable concentration of Iron content in drinking water ?
1. 0.5 mg/l
2. I.0 mg/l
3. 1.5 mg/l
4. 2.0 mg/l

Ques 3. The tomato plant falls under the category of:
1. Herbs
2. Shrubs
3. Trees
4. Grass

Ques 4. Biotic components include
1. All living organisms
2. Light[comma] temperature etc
3. Water[comma] mineral and gases
4. Self-nourishing green plants

Ques 5. Noise pollution limit in industrial area is
1. 65 dB
2. 80 dB
3. 95 dB
4. 100 dB

Ques 6. Organic farming is
1. enhancing biodiversity
2. promoting soil biological activity
3. farming without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers
4. all the above

Ques 7. The protocol that reduces green house gas emissions is
1. Kyoto protocol
2. Vienna protocol
3. Montreal protocol
4. Cartagena protocol

Ques 8. The human activity, among the following, which causes maximum environmental pollution having regional and global impact, is
1. Industrialization
2. Urbanization
3. Agriculture
4. Mining

Ques 9. Climate and global air circulations are mainly affected by the properties of
1. Temperature
2. Precipitation
3. Water and air
4. None of the above

Ques 10. Generation of wind energy is mainly based on which factor
1. Storms
2. Pressure
3. Velocity of wind
4. Direction of wind

Ques 11. The basic element in fossil fuels is
1. Oxygen
2. Carbon
3. Sulphur
4. Phosphorus

Ques 12. A simple detritus food chain starts with
1. green plant
2. wastes of organisms and dead organisms
3. both of the above
4. none of these

Ques 13. Which atmospheric layer is closest to the Earth's surface?
1. Troposphere
2. Thermosphere
3. Stratosphere
4. Mesosphere

Ques 14. Largest reservoir of Nitrogen is exists in :
1. Atmosphere
2. Stratosphere.
3. Hydrosphere
4. Lithosphere

Ques 15. Facultative Bacteria exisiing in which type of Environmental condition?
1. Presence of oxygen
2. Absence of oxygen
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of these

Ques 16. Which of the following is ill effect of Urbanization
1. Environmental pollution
2. Loss of soil degradation
3. Decrease in Agricultural Land
4. All of these

Ques 17. Non-green plants like mushroom can’t make their own food because:
1. They are too small
2. They lack chlorophyll
3. They lack photo-tropism
4. They lack roots to suck water

Ques 18. The volume of nitrogen present in the troposphere is
1. 5%
2. 21%
3. 78%
4. 85%

Ques 19. Our head is made up of only one movable bone; it is called:
1. Skull
2. Cranium
3. Jawbone
4. Collarbone

Ques 20. An animal that feeds upon another animal is
1. producer
2. consumer
3. decomposer
4. predator

Ques 21. Cows have strong grinding teeth at the back of the mouth, but they cannot eat the flesh of the of other animals. This is because:
1. They do not need to eat the flesh
2. They don’t have strong grinding teeth at the front
3. They don’t have long sharp pointed teeth
4. They dislike eating flesh

Ques 22. Eutrophication means :
1. Water purification
2. Neutralization of waste water
3. Waste water Treatment process
4. Enrichment of plant nutrients in water bodies

Ques 23. Expansion of the term WWF is
1. Worldwide forest
2. World wild life fund
3. Worldwide life force
4. Worldwide life forest

Ques 24. Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) came into effect from
1. Dec 2000
2. 1-Dec
3. 2-Dec
4. 3-Dec

Ques 25. The ideal of sustainable development was defined for the first time by the world commission on environment and development in the year
1. 1985
2. 1986
3. 1987
4. 1988

Ques 26. When some sugar is dissolved in a glass of water, the water level:
1. Increases
2. Decreases
3. Remains the same
4. None of the above

Ques 27. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
1. food chain
2. carbon cycle
3. sulphur cycle
4. hydrological cycle

Ques 28. Electromagnetic radiation energy is an energy in the form of
1. Heat
2. Wave
3. Light
4. All the above

Ques 29. Sustainable development
1. Encourages environmentally economic growth
2. Discourages environmentally economic growth
3. Encourages environmentally harmful and unsustainable forms of economic growth
4. All the above

Ques 30. In which year the Hon'ble supreme court ofIndia made environmental education compulsory subject at all the levels of education
1. 2000
2. 2001
3. 2002
4. 2003

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 1
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 1
Ques 9: 1
Ques 10: 3
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 1
Ques 13: 1
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 3
Ques 20: 2
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 4
Ques 23: 2
Ques 24: 3
Ques 25: 3
Ques 26: 3
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 4
Ques 29: 4
Ques 30: 4

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