Multiple Choice Question and Answer for CTET Paper 1 Model Paper 3 (Marks : 150.00)


Section : Child Development and Pedagogy

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The period of sensory motor adaptation of Piaget is_____
1. 0-2 years
2. 1-3 years
3. 3-5 years
4. 4-6 years

Ques 2. Which of the following is not a product of learning?
1. Skill
2. Knowledge
3. Maturation
4. Physical structure

Ques 3. In order to develop the spirit of labour in students:
1. The teacher himself should indulge in labour
2. The teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour
3. Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time
4. Students should be given examples of laboring people

Ques 4. Creative writing should be an activity planned for
1. Only those children reading on grade level
2. Only those children who can spell and also, can write cohesive sentences
3. Only those children who want to write for the newspaper of the class
4. All children

Ques 5. Non-verbal test of intelligence is suitable for_____
1. Deaf and dumb
2. Literates
3. Backward children
4. All of these

Ques 6. A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
1. Punish the students
2. Send to their parents
3. Counsel the students individually
4. Give them a severe warning

Ques 7. Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age in view of_____.
1. Kohlberg
2. Piaget
3. Vygotsky
4. Skinner

Ques 8. What is meant by Schema?
1. Chunking mechanisms
2. Learning techniques
3. Organized packets of information stored in long-term memory
4. Defense mechanisms

Ques 9. All of the following can be signs that a child is gifted,except
1. Early development of a sense of time
2. Interest in encyclopedias and dictionaries
3. Uneasy relationships with peers.
4. Easy retention of facts

Ques 10. Adolescents may experience
1. feeling of self-actualization
2. feeling of satiation about life
3. anxiety and concern about themselves
4. feeling of fear about sins committed in childhood.

Ques 11. The process of expansion of an individual's capacities quantitatively, should be termed as:
1. Development
2. Growth
3. Equilibration
4. Maturation

Ques 12. Vygotsky theory implies
1. child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own.
2. collaborative problem solving
3. individual assignments to each student
4. after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions

Ques 13. You find a student to be intelligent. You will
1. Remain pleased with him
2. Not give him additional homework
3. Motivate him so that he can make more progress
4. Inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent

Ques 14. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, you will
1. Force them to study
2. Tell those students to leave the class and enjoy
3. Warn them that they must study else you will report the matter to the Principal
4. Tell them some interesting things related to their interests or your own subject

Ques 15. NavodayaSchools have been established to:
1. increase number of school in rural areas
2. provide good education in rural areas
3. complete‘SarvaShikshaAbhiyan’
4. check wastage of education in rural areas

Ques 16. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to:
1. Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can
2. Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them
3. Coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway
4. Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test

Ques 17. Most important work of teacher is:
1. to organize teaching work
2. to deliver lecture in class
3. to take care of children
4. to evaluate the students

Ques 18. The raw material of thinking is
1. Symbols
2. Semantics
3. Man
4. Child

Ques 19. The process whereby the genetic factors limit an individual’s responsiveness to the environment is known as:
1. Canalization
2. Discontinuity
3. Differentiation
4. Range of reaction

Ques 20. Frobel‟s most important contribution to education was his development of the
1. Vocational school
2. Public high school
3. Kindergarten
4. Latin School

Ques 21. Who is the father of ''Theory of Multiple Intelligence''?
1. Gardner
2. Vygotsky
3. Bruner
4. Piaget

Ques 22. A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to aback ward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. You will:
1. Keep him in a class in which, there are many more students of backward background from the cultural viewpoint
2. Send a teacher to know more about the backward cultural background of the child
3. Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him, keeping his special needs in view
4. Advise him to take up vocational education

Ques 23. One of the basic principles of socializing Individuals is:
1. Religion
2. Caste
3. Education
4. Imitation

Ques 24. The reason why students run from school is
1. Lack of interesting class teaching work
2. Lack of interest in studies on the part of students
3. Not giving punishment to students
4. Callous attitude of teachers towards the problem

Ques 25. Most important work of teacher is:
1. to organize teaching work
2. to deliver lecture in class
3. to take care of children
4. to evaluate the students

Ques 26. Of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline is to
1. Note specific infractions of class rules in the marking book
2. Evaluate his/her materials, methods and approaches to children
3. Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series of punishments
4. Call a parent-teacher meeting to discuss the situation

Ques 27. The development that proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis i.e., head to foot is termed as_____
1. Cephalo-caudal development
2. Proximo distal
3. Interrelation
4. Intergration

Ques 28. Most psychologists believe that development is due
1. Largely to nature.
2. Largely to nurture.
3. To nature and nurture acting separately.
4. To an interaction of nature and nurture.

Ques 29. A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining:
1. Environment influences on development
2. Biological influences on development
3. Congentivedevelopment
4. Affective processes in development

Ques 30. The development that proceeds from the centre to the periphery is termed as:
1. Spiral development
2. Linear development
3. Proximo-distal
4. None of the above

Answers are:
Ques 1: 1
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 4
Ques 6: 3
Ques 7: 2
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 1
Ques 11: 1
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 4
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 2
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 1
Ques 19: 3
Ques 20: 3
Ques 21: 1
Ques 22: 3
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 4
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 4
Ques 29: 4
Ques 30: 3

Section : Language I (Hindi)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. श्रष्टि
2. श्रृष्टि
3. सृष्टि
4. श्ष्टि

Ques 2. अपने पैर पर कुल्हाडी मारना
1. अनाडी-पन करना
2. आत्म-हत्या करना
3. स्वयं अपने को हानि पहॅुचाना
4. उपकार न मानना

Ques 3. सुपुरूष
1. कर्मधारय
2. द्विगु
3. द्वन्द्व
4. तत्पुरूष

Ques 4. तरणि
1. सूर्य
2. नाव
3. युवती
4. नदी

Ques 5. साहचर्य
1. वैमनस्य
2. असहयोग
3. विनयोग
4. अलगाव

Ques 6. उपमान
1. अनन्वय
2. व्यतिरेक
3. अतुल
4. उपमेय

Ques 7. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. शुश्रुषा
2. सुश्रूषा
3. सुसूषा
4. षुश्रुषा

Ques 8. इन्द्र
1. राजीव
2. कंदर्प
3. शक्र
4. वल्लभ

Ques 9. "उन्नति" में उपसर्ग है?
1. उ
2. उ
3. उत्
4. उन

Ques 10. "निर्दोश" में कौनसा उपसर्ग है ?
1. नि
2. नी
3. नीर्
4. निर्

Ques 11. आग में घी डालना
1.  शुभ अवसर पर अडचन पडना
2. यज्ञ करना
3. किसी के क्रोध को भडकाना
4. मूल्यवान वस्तु को नष्ट करना

Ques 12. जिस तक न पहुँचा जा सके।
1. अगम्य
2. अधिगम्य
3. गम्य
4. अनुगम्य

Ques 13. प्रसून
1. वृक्ष
2. पुष्प
3. चन्द्रमा
4. अग्नि

Ques 14. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. यह भी तो संभव हो सकता है कि
2. आपकी अवज्ञा करते हुए
3.  रवि घर न जाकर अस्पताल चल गया हो
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 15. निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से किसमें स्वर संधि है ?
1. अधोमुख
2. सज्जन
3. वाग्जाल
4. महोदधि

Ques 16. ब्रह्मास्त्र
1. ब्रह्मा + अस्त्र
2. ब्रह्म + अस्त्र
3. ब्राह्म + अस्त्र
4. ब्रह्मः + अस्त्र

Ques 17. किस शब्द में "कु" का प्रयोग उपसर्ग के रूप में नहीं है ?
1. कुफल
2. कुरूप
3. कुमार्ग
4. कुसुम

Ques 18. अभय-उभर
1. भयभीत-मोटा
2. दोनों-निर्भर
3. निर्भय-दोनों
4. भयाक्रान्त-उॅचा

Ques 19. तन्दा
1. क्लाति
2. क्रियाषीलता
3. आषन्वित
4. इनमें से कोई नहीं

Ques 20. जिसके पास कुछ न हो।
1. अकिंचन
2. निरामिष
3. उऋण
4. कर्जदार

Ques 21. निम्नलिखित में से संयुक्त वाक्य का चयन कीजिए:
1. जो परिश्रम करता है[comma] वही आगे बढता है।
2. मैं पढता हूॅ और वह गाता है।
3. क्या मेरे बिना वह पढ नहीं सकता है।
4. परिश्रमी व्यक्ति ही सफलता प्राप्त करता हैं।

Ques 22. गरल
1. सरल
2. विरल
3. अमृत
4. अगम

Ques 23. उर्वरा
1. उत्कृष्ट
2. उतमर्ण
3. उसर
4. अतिवृष्टि

Ques 24. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. स्थायि
2. स्थायी
3. स्थाई
4. स्थाइ

Ques 25. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. उतसव
2. उत्सव
3. उस्तव
4. उतस्व

Instruction : एक लोकतांत्रिक समाज स्वतंत्रचेता व्यक्तियों का समूह जहाँ हर व्यक्ति अपनी स्वतंत्र सत्ता रखता है | मगर वह किसी अन्य की स्वतंत्रता में अतिक्रमण नहीं करता | सबको अपने ही समान मानता है और सबकी गरिमा का आदर करता है | इस आदर में सभी का एक-दुसरे के प्रति प्रेम-भाव शामिल होता है | ऐसा प्रेम-भाव जिसमें किसी दुसरे को मन, वचन और कर्म से पीड़ा पहुँचाने का कोई स्थान नहीं होता | क्या आज की हमारी शिक्षा मानवीय रिश्तों का यह भाव सिखाती है ? समानता पुरुष और स्त्री के बीच, गोरे और काले के बीच, अलग-अलग धर्मों को मानने वालों के बीच सिखाने की बात जरुर शिक्षा की व्यवस्था करने वाले करते हैं | समाज में संपन्न भी होते हैं, विपन्न भी, धनी भी और निर्धन भी | हैसियत वाले और पिछड़े भी होते हैं | इसीलिए इन सबके बीच समानता का व्यवहार सिखाने की अपेक्षा भी शिक्षा-व्यवस्था से ही की जा सकती है | शिक्षा से यह भी अपेक्षा की जाती है कि समाज में अलगाव की भावना को तिरोहित करके सब में अपनत्व का भाव पैदा करे और ऐसे मानवीय रिश्तों की स्वस्थ भूमि तैयार करे जिसमें समान रूप से अपने विकास के अवसर पा सकें |(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)
Ques 26. ‘मगर वह किसी अन्य की स्वतंत्र सत्ता का अतिक्रमण नहीं करता |’ वाक्य में ‘अतिक्रमण’ नहीं करने से तात्पर्य है:
1. अधिकार नहीं मानना |
2. हस्तक्षेप नहीं करना |
3. आक्रमण नहीं करना |
4. अवहेलना नहीं करना |

Ques 27. अनुच्छेद में ‘तिरोहित’ करने का भाव है:
1. दबा देना
2. त्याग करना
3. पुरोहिताई करना
4. तर्पण करना

Ques 28. ‘मानवीय’ शब्द है:
1. देशज
2. आगत
3. तत्सम
4. तदभव

Ques 29. अनुच्छेद के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि भारतीय समाज में:
1. एकरुपता है |
2. सामाजिकता है |
3. समानता है |
4. विविधता है |

Ques 30. हमें अपनी स्वतंत्रता के साथ-साथ:
1. दूसरों की शिक्षा की व्यवस्था करनी चाहिए |
2. सभी को मानवीय रिश्तों का सबक सिखाना चाहिए |
3. दूसरों की स्वतंत्रता का सम्मान करना चाहिए |
4. अपनी गरिमा का भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए |

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 1
Ques 5: 4
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 1
Ques 13: 2
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 4
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 1
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 3
Ques 24: 2
Ques 25: 2
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 3
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 3

Section : Language II (English)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. Heretic
1. Dissident
2. Believer
3. Offender
4. Orthodox

Ques 2. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Restorent
2. Restaurant
3. Restaurent
4. Restarent

Ques 3. A doubting Thomas
1. An skeptical person
2. To keep people at a distance
3. To interfere in someone’s affairs
4. To regret in vain that can’t be undone.

Ques 4. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Dictionery
2. Dicssionary
3. Dictionary
4. Dicssionery

Ques 5. It is really sad that an organisation which openly'___________the constitution and the national flag and__________the national movement is not being checked.
1. challenges, sustains
2. decries, betrayed
3. disowns, hails
4. reviews, rebuked

Ques 6. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Accessery
2. Accessory
3. Acessory
4. Accesory

Ques 7. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Indigenious
2. Indiginous
3. Indigenous
4. Indeginous

Ques 8. To kick the bucket
1. To pass away
2. To keep people at a distance
3. To interfere in someone’s affairs
4. To lose a sustained share/position

Ques 9. Dejected
1. Despondent
2. Jubilant
3. Lacklustre
4. Menial

Ques 10. Put a brave face
1. To work hard and stay up very late night
2. To feel very sad
3. To act confident in a difficult situation
4. To commit a fraud

Ques 11. India’s listed corporates will have to __________ quick action to get on board more directors, including a woman, if they have to ensure compliance with the SEBI’s new corporate governance norms.
A. Intimate
B. Initiate
C. Concede
D. Take
1. AB
2. B,C
3. B,D
4. A,C

Ques 12. Take a back seat
1. An agreement without conditions
2. Enjoy different opportunities at a single time
3. Take a subordinate position
4. Worried for frivolous things

Ques 13. Going to the dogs
1. Reaching a bad state
2. Reaching success after much efforts
3. Very annoyed
4. To sniff something wrong

Ques 14. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Cannibal
2. Canibal
3. Cannibel
4. Cennibal

Ques 15. In order to reduce the fiscal deficit, the Economic Affairs Secretary said that in the next fiscal, the G-sec buyback would be __________ by Rs 25,000 crore.
A. Chafed
B. Reduced
C. Increased
D. Pared
1. A,C
2. C,D
3. A,D
4. B,D

Ques 16. Naidu is now engaged in bringing up Amravati, the spanking new capital city of Andhra Pradesh, which will be of global standards, _________ the relatively better planned capital cities of Chandigarh and Gandhinagar. Under Naidu, Andhra Pradesh could also be India’s first user of the hyperloop, the __________ mode of travel being developed by the headline __________ US billionaire and inventor Elon Musk.
1. surveying past gripped
2. surpassing, futuristic, grabbing
3. dawdle, advanced, clutching
4. beating, plain, grasped

Ques 17. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Earthiness
2. Erthiness
3. Earthines
4. Earthhiness

Ques 18. A fly in the ointment
1. To bring good luck
2. To rush for something
3. To speak indirectly or evasively
4. A spoilsport

Ques 19. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Nauseous
2. Nauseius
3. Nausious
4. Neuseous

Ques 20. Costly
1. economical
2. frugal
3. thrifty
4. expensive

Ques 21. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Quetient
2. Quoteient
3. Quotient
4. Quetient

1. very bad
2. insatiable
3. stingy
4. malicious

Ques 23. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Wity
2. Weety
3. Weetty
4. Witty

Ques 24. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Patience
2. Pateince
3. Paitence
4. Petience

Ques 25. Last fortnight, commerce minister Suresh Prabhu said that __________ growth of exports is a __________. And that his ministry is working closely with the government’s policy ‘think tank’ NITI Aayog to ___________ a “strategic roadmap” for generating employment through exports. This is expected to be part of a Rs 40,000 crore fiscal stimulus by the government.
1. guarantee, goal, device
2. assuring, precedence, form
3. ensuring, priority, devise
4. endangering, preference, construct

Instruction :

Sheela and Jairam were a poor old couple. Their only possession was a cow. Once, Jairam fell very sick. Soon all their money was used up in buying medicines and they realised that they would have to sell their cow in order to bear the rest of the expenses. Sheela decided to go to the market and sell the cow. She set off, leading the cow by a rope.

On the way, she met four young men. They were the local bullies who enjoyed teasing and tormenting old people. When they saw old Sheela with her cow, they decided to play a trick. One of them sneaked up behind her, untied the cow and tied goat in its place. Sheela had been walking immersed in thought, worried about Jairam. Suddenly she heard a goat bleating behind her. She turned around and was surprised to see that her cow had vanished. She was leading a goat to the market. The four bullies came up to her and said, “There is magic in the air in these days. See, it turned your cow into a goat.”Poor Sheela walked on with the goat. After a little while, the boys united the goat and tied a rooster in its place. The rooster crowed and Sheela was surprised again. The goat had turned into a rooster. The four bullies shouted, “Magic in the air, Grandma.” She resumed walking with the rooster in tow. After a few minutes the boys crept up again, untied the rooster and tied a log of wood in its place. A few moments later, Sheela realised that she was dragging a log of wood with a rope. Again, the bullies shouted, “Magic in the air, Grandma.” After a few minutes, the boys untied the log of wood to and ran away with it.

When Sheela finally reached the market, she found that she had nothing but a rope in her hand. She came back home dejected, as she had lost the cow. She told Jairam the whole story. He immediately understood what had happened. “Make chapatti, vegetable and kheer for lunch tomorrow,” he said. “Cook for at least four people. I will come home with some guests. As soon as they come you must say, ‘I cooked what the rabbit told me. Come, eat your lunch. Leave everything else to me,” Jairam reassured her.

The next morning Jairam went and borrowed two identical rabbits from a friend. He left one at home, tied the other one with a string and started walking towards the market with it. On the way, he too met the four bullies. ‘Hey grandfather!’ they yelled, “Your wife’s cow vanished yesterday. Where are you talking this rabbit now?” Jairam signed sadly and said,” This rabbit is like my son. It obeys everything I say. But now I am sick and we need money, so I am going to sell it in the market.” The bullies were surprised when they heard this. “Does it really understand what you say, Grandfather?” they asked. Jairam replied, “of course it does. Here, watch me.” Jairam turned towards the rabbit and said, “Hop home and tell Sheela to make chapattis, vegetable and kheer for four people.” Then he untied the string and let the rabbit hop away. He turned towards the four boys and said, “Come home and have lunch with me.”

When they reached his house, his wife welcomed them and said, “I cooked what the rabbit asked me to cook. Come, eat your lunch.” She served the chapattis, vegetable and kheer to all of them. The four bullies were stunned when they saw the rabbit sitting in the corner. They told Jairam, “We will buy your rabbit.” Jairam pretended to think and said, “It is very precious to me.” The four bullies immediately offered him a higher price. Jairam showed some reluctance. The moment he agreed to sell the rabbit they paid him the money and left with the rabbit immediately. The four bullies decided to test the rabbit’s abilities. They had been blackmailing a landlord for money. So they told the rabbit, “Go and tell the landlord to bring us the money within ten minutes.” The rabbit hopped off. They waited for an hour but the landlord did not come with the money. They marched to his house and yelled, “Give us the money and our rabbit.” The landlord had been waiting for a chance to teach these bullies a lesson. He ordered his strongest bodyguard to give them a good thrashing. Bleeding and bruised, they went back to Jairam’ “You fooled us. Return our money at once.” Jairam simply smiled and said, “The money has disappeared. There is magic in the air.”

(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)

Ques 26. Why were the four bullies surprised when they were talking to Jairam?
1. They knew that Jairam was sick and had not expected to see him.
2. They had not expected Jairam to invite them for lunch.
3. They could not believe that the rabbit could understand and obey Jairam.
4. They knew that Jairam did not own a rabbit and were surprised to see him with one.

Ques 27. What did four bullies tie to Sheela’s rope immediately after untying the cow?
1. A log of wood
2. A rooster
3. A rabbit
4. A goat

Ques 28. What did Sheela do after reaching the market empty handed?
1. Determined to earn money[comma] she managed to sell the rope that she was left with.
2. She returned home dejected and narrated the whole incident to her husband.
3. She bought two rabbits and devised a plan to get back at the bullies.
4. She went to the landlord and complained about the bullies.

Ques 29. Which of the following may be an appropriate title to the passage?
1. Magic in the air
2. Never steal a cow
3. The strongest bodyguard
4. The smart bullies

Ques 30. Why did Sheela and Jairam decide to sell the cow?
1. They had spent all their money on Jairam’s sickness and needed more money.
2. Sheela wanted to buy a rooster and they needed money for that.
3. They were fed up of the four bullies and wanted to teach them the lesson.
4. They wanted to invite the four bullies for lunch and needed money for buying the ingredients.

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 2
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 3
Ques 8: 1
Ques 9: 2
Ques 10: 3
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 3
Ques 13: 1
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 4
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 1
Ques 18: 4
Ques 19: 1
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 2
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 1
Ques 25: 3
Ques 26: 3
Ques 27: 4
Ques 28: 2
Ques 29: 1
Ques 30: 1

Section : Mathematics

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The total emoluments of A and B are equal. However, A gets 65% of his basic salary as allowances and B gets 80% of his basic salary as allowances. What is the ratio of the basic salaries of and B?
1. 16:13
2. 5:07
3. 12:11
4. 7:09

Ques 2. If the second day of a month is a Friday, which of the following would be the last day of the next month which has 31 days?
1. Monday
2. Thursday
3. Data inadequate
4. Sunday

Ques 3. A vessel contains milk and water in the ratio 3:2. The volume of the contents is increased by 50% by adding water to it. From this resultant solution 30 L is withdrawn and then replaced with water. The resultant ratio of milk water in the final solution is 3:7. Find the original volume of the solution.
1. 80 L
2. 65 L
3. 75 L
4. 82 L

Ques 4. In how many ways 2 students can be chosen from the class of 20 students?
1. 190
2. 180
3. 240
4. 390

Ques 5. An ore contains 25% of an alloy that has 90% iron. Other than this, in the remaining 75% of the ore, there is no iron. How many kilograms of the ore are needed to obtain 60 kg of pure iron?
1. 250 kg
2. 275 kg
3. 300 kg
4. 266.66 kg

Ques 6. The length of the bridge, which a train 130 metres long and travelling at 45 km/hr can cross in 30 seconds, is:
1. 250 M
2. 225 M
3. 245 M
4. 230 M

Ques 7. 30.A and B take 15 and 20 days respectively. They worked for 4 days, and then the fraction of work left was
1. 15-Aug
2. 15-Jul
3. 15-Jun
4. 15-Nov

Ques 8. A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will A alone finish the work?
1. 31 days
2. 25 days
3. 27 days
4. 29 days

Ques 9. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their H.C.F. is 4. Their L.C.M. is:
1. 12
2. 16
3. 24
4. 48

Ques 10.

A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs. 1750 after 7 years. Had the interest been 2% more, how much more interest would it have earned?

1. Rs. 35
2. Rs. 245
3. Rs. 350
4. Cannot be determined

Ques 11. Two trains each 200 m long are running on parallel rails at the rate of 40kmph and 45kmph respectively. In how much time will they cross each other, if they are running in the same direction?
1. 128 s
2. 288 s
3. 342 s
4. 368 s

Ques 12. A can do piece of work in 30 days while B alone can do it in 40 days. In how many days can A and B working together do it?
1. 17 1/7 days
2. 15 2/3 days
3. 15 2/7 days
4. 17 2/7 days

Ques 13.

If 2994 ÷ 14.5 = 172, then 29.94 ÷ 1.45 = ?

1. 0.172
2. 1.72
3. 17.2
4. 172

Ques 14. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 16 km in 2 hours while for covering the same distance upstream, it takes 4 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water?
1. 4 km/hr
2. 6 km/hr
3. 8 km/hr
4. Data inadequate

Ques 15. (X% of Y) +(Y% of X) is equal to:
1. X% of Y
2. 20% of XY
3. 2% of XY
4. 2% of 100 XY

Ques 16. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:
1. 3 : 4
2. 3 : 2
3. 1 : 3
4. None of these

Ques 17. If a 36 inches long strip cloth shrinks to 33 inches after being washed, how many inches long will the same strip remain after washing if it were 48 inches long?
1. 47 inches
2. 44 inches
3. 45 inches
4. 46 inches

Ques 18. A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be
1. 10 min. 50 sec
2. 12 min.
3. 13 min. 20 sec
4. 10 min. 30 sec

Ques 19.

The least multiple of 7, which leaves a remainder of 4, when divided by 6, 9, 15 and 18 is:

1. 74
2. 94
3. 184
4. 364

Ques 20.

Father is aged three times more than his son Ronit. After 8 years, he would be two and a half times of Ronit"s age. After further 8 years, how many times would he be of Ronit"s age?

1. 2 times
2. (5/2)times
3. 3 times
4. 3 times

Ques 21.

A 12% stock yielding 10% is quoted at:

1. Rs. 83.33
2. Rs. 110
3. Rs. 112
4. Rs. 120

Ques 22.

In 100 m race, A covers the distance in 36 seconds and B in 45 seconds. In this race A beats B by:

1. 20 m
2. 25 m
3. 22.5 m
4. 9 m

Ques 23. A and B are two taps which can fill a tank individually in 10 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. However, there is a leakage at the bottom which can empty a filled tank in 40 minutes. If the tank is empty initially, how much time will both the taps
1. 10 minutes
2. 5 minutes
3. 7 minutes
4. 8 minutes

Ques 24.

Rs. 9800 are invested partly in 9% stock at 75 and 10% stock at 80 to have equal amount of incomes. The investment in 9% stock is:

1. Rs. 4800
2. Rs. 5000
3. Rs. 5400
4. Rs. 5600

Ques 25.

A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is:

1. 6 hours
2. 10 hours
3. 15 hours
4. 30 hours

Ques 26.

In a 200 metres race A beats B by 35 m or 7 seconds. A"s time over the course is:

1. 40 sec
2. 47 sec
3. 33 sec
4. None of these

Ques 27. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 15 days, 10 days and 6 days respectively. How long will they take to do it, if all the three work together?
1. 7 days
2. 5 days
3. 3 days
4. 2.5 days

Ques 28.

How many two-digit numbers satisfy this property.: The last digit (unit"s digit) of the square of the two-digit number is 8 ?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. None of these

Ques 29. The cost price of 19 articles is same as the selling price of 29 articles. What is loss percentage?
1. 52.30%
2. 35%
3. 34.48
4. 30%

Ques 30. The ratio of daily wages of two workers is 4 : 3 and one gets daily Rs 9 more than the other, what are their daily wages?
1. Rs 80 and Rs 60
2. Rs 60 and Rs 45
3. Rs 36 and Rs 27
4. Rs 32 and Rs 24

Answers are:
Ques 1: 3
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 1
Ques 5: 4
Ques 6: 3
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 4
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 1
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 2
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 4
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 4
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 2
Ques 25: 3
Ques 26: 3
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 4
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 3

Section : Environmental Studies

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The radiations absorbed by ozone layer are
1. Ultra-violet
2. Infra-red
3. Gamma rays
4. Visible

Ques 2. ____ is the best environmental clean alternative fuel.
1. CNG
2. Coal
3. Petrol
4. Diesel

Ques 3. Noise pollution means
1. Loud sound
2. Unwanted sound
3. High frequency sound
4. Environmental pollution

Ques 4. Primary cause of acid rain around the world is due to
1. Ozone
2. carbon dioxide
3. sulfur dioxide
4. carbon monoxide

Ques 5. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called
1. food chain
2. carbon cycle
3. sulphur cycle
4. hydrological cycle

Ques 6. The objectives of the Wild Life (protection) Act 1972 is
1. To preserve the biodiversity
2. Protection and conservation of wild life
3. To maintain essential ecological and life supporting systems
4. All the above

Ques 7. Organisms who directly feed on producers are called :
1. Herbivores
2. Omnivores
3. Carnivores
4. Decomposers

Ques 8. Tidal power plants are not preferred by environmentalists because,
1. Tidal power is a renewable source
2. Tidal power can be developed only in coasts
3. Tidal power stations bring about major ecological changes in sensitive coastalecosystem
4. None of the above

Ques 9. Percentage of nitrogen in earth's atmosphere is
1. 12%
2. 21%
3. 78%
4. 98%

Ques 10. The term 'Refuse' generally does not include is
1. Ashes
2. Excreta
3. Putrescible solid waste
4. Non putrescible solid waste

Ques 11. The basic element in fossil fuels is
1. Oxygen
2. Carbon
3. Sulphur
4. Phosphorus

Ques 12. Green revolution is
1. Crop variety improvement
2. Judicious use of fertilizers
3. Expansion of irrigation
4. All the above

Ques 13. The major objective of the family welfare programs in India is
1. Disease control
2. Employment generation
3. Population growth rate control
4. None of these

Ques 14. Mining means
1. Process of extracting ores to obtain the metal of interest
2. To check pollution
3. To conserve minerals
4. To reserve minerals

Ques 15. As per BIS, the permissible limit of PH value for Drinking water :
1. 6.5 to 7.5
2. 7
3. 6.5 to 8.5
4. 6.0 to 8.5

Ques 16. Environment Protection Act of 1986 is meant for
1. Waste management
2. Forest management
3. Desert management
4. Protection of human environment including human[comma] plants[comma] animals and property

Ques 17. Energy obtained from the Earth's hot interior is called the
1. Geo-Thermal energy
2. Thermal energy
3. Biomass energy
4. None ofthese

Ques 18. Cow dung can be used
1. as manure
2. for production of biogas
3. both (a) and (b)
4. none of these

Ques 19. In a food chain humans are
1. Producers
2. Primary consumers
3. Secondary consumers
4. Primary and secondary consumers

Ques 20. The protocol that reduces green house gas emissions is
1. Kyoto protocol
2. Vienna protocol
3. Montreal protocol
4. Cartagena protocol

Ques 21. ELA is related to :
1. Environmental Impact Assessment
2. Environmental and Industrial Activities
3. Environmental Internal Activities
4. Environmental Impact Activities

Ques 22. Generation of wind energy is mainly based on which factor
1. Storms
2. Pressure
3. Velocity of wind
4. Direction of wind

Ques 23. Which atmospheric layer is closest to the Earth's surface?
1. Troposphere
2. Thermosphere
3. Stratosphere
4. Mesosphere

Ques 24. Smelting of metallic minerals into copper, lead and zinc release large amounts of
1. Nitric oxide
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Sulphur dioxide
4. Hydrogen Sulphide

Ques 25. Anthropoginal activities means :
1. Human activities
2. Natural activities
3. Bacteriological activities
4. Wild animals activities

Ques 26. Expansion of the term WWF is
1. Worldwide forest
2. World wild life fund
3. Worldwide life force
4. Worldwide life forest

Ques 27. Important sources of land pollution are
1. Industrial Wastes
2. Agricultural Wastes
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of the above

Ques 28. Hydrogen can be produced commercially by
1. Cracking of ammonia
2. Electrolysis of water
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. Gasification

Ques 29. 'Minamata' disease is caused by
1. Lead
2. Arsenic
3. Mercury
4. Cadmium

Ques 30. Movement of Nutrients from the soil by the Acid Rain is called :
1. Leaching
2. Infiltration
3. Exfiltration
4. Transpiration

Answers are:
Ques 1: 1
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 2
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 1
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 2
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 1
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 1
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 4
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 1
Ques 22: 3
Ques 23: 1
Ques 24: 2
Ques 25: 1
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 3
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 1

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