Multiple Choice Question and Answer for UPTET Paper 1 (Hindi, English) Model Paper 2 (Marks : 150.00)


Section : Child Development and Methodology and Pedagogy

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called
1. Inductive Reasoning
2. Deductive Reasoning
3. Qualitative Reasoning
4. Quantitative Reasoning

Ques 2. What a teacher should do if a student gives wrong answer of a question in a class?
1. He will another question to the student
2. He will ask another student
3. He will scold the student
4. He will explain, why the answer given by the student is wrong

Ques 3. The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning was
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Robert Sternberg
4. Edward Thorndike

Ques 4. If any girl child does not corner to school regularly you will
1. no bother
2. struck off her name
3. complain to the Principal
4. meet the parents and en-courage them

Ques 5. The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is
1. evaluating
2. synthesizing
3. characterizing
4. understanding

Ques 6. All of the following advanced principles of child development that are closely allied to the stimulus response learning theory, except:
1. Pavilov
2. J.B.Waston
3. Hull
4. Gesell

Ques 7. According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is
1. stabilized
2. weakened
3. unsterilized
4. strengthened

Ques 8. _____ Is the ratio of mental age to the chronological age multiplied by 100.
1. Emotional quotient
2. Intelligence quotient
3. Both
4. None of these

Ques 9. The Law of Effect can be effectively used in
1. teaching methods
2. accelerate learning
3. classroom management
4. curriculum development

Ques 10. When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use
1. lecture method
2. assignment method
3. cooperative method
4. inquiry-based method

Ques 11. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of
1. learning
2. knowledge
3. education
4. philosophy of education

Ques 12. An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through
1. practice
2. experience
3. knowledge
4. observations

Ques 13. Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation.
1. not likely
2. less likely
3. more likely
4. equally likely

Ques 14. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.
1. IT
2. ICT
3. Information technology
4. Communication technology

Ques 15. The development that proceeds from the centre to the periphery is termed as:
1. Spiral development
2. Linear development
3. Proximo-distal
4. None of the above

Ques 16. ____ is the process of determining the context to which an objective is achieved or the qualities envisaged.
1. Measurement
2. Evaluation
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of these

Ques 17. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to:
1. Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can
2. Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them
3. Coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do well anyway
4. Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test

Ques 18. Organismic theories of development hold that
1. Psychological structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development.
2. Physical structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development.
3. Passively developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development.
4. Slowly developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development.

Ques 19. Howa Teacher should behave with the students?
1. Father Like
2. Friend Like
3. General
4. Elder Like

Ques 20. According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.
1. law of effect
2. law of exercise
3. law of readiness
4. law of connectionism

Ques 21. "The book Emile or ""On Education"" on the nature of education and man is written by"
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Rousseau
4. John Dewey

Ques 22. A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure .
1. Valid
2. Invalid
3. Reliable
4. Unreliable

Ques 23. A student in your class has consistently been performing poorly in one subject. What should you do?
1. Tell the student to work harder
2. Arrange for a diagnostic test to find out what the difficulty is
3. Arrange for remedial classes in that subject
4. Talk to the parents

Ques 24. Most psychologists believe that development is due
1. Largely to nature.
2. Largely to nurture.
3. To nature and nurture acting separately.
4. To an interaction of nature and nurture.

Ques 25. Theory of multiple intelligence implies the following except
1. intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve problems.
2. disciplines should be presented in a number of ways
3. learning could be assessed through a variety of means
4. emotional intelligence is not related to IQ

Ques 26. What was the relation between Socrates and Plato?
1. Plato was student of Socrates
2. Socrates was student of Plato
3. Socrates and Plato were brothers
4. Socrates and Plato were colleagues

Ques 27. Success in developing values is mainly dependent upon
1. government
2. Society
3. family
4. teacher

Ques 28. Assessment for learning takes into account the following except
1. mistake of students
2. learning styles of students
3. strengths of students
4. needs of students

Ques 29. According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
1. thinker
2. entrepreneur
3. good citizen
4. reasoning man

Ques 30. The three domains of Bloom's taxonomy are
1. Cognitive[comma] Affective and Pedagogy
2. Pedagogy[comma] Affective and Psychomotor
3. Cognitive[comma] Affective and Psychomotor
4. Cognitive[comma] Pedagogy and Psychomotor

Answers are:
Ques 1: 1
Ques 2: 4
Ques 3: 4
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 1
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 4
Ques 8: 2
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 1
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 2
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 1
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 3
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 2
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 4
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 4
Ques 28: 1
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 3

Section : Language I (Hindi)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. तन-मन-धन
1. अव्ययीभाव
2. कर्मधारय
3. द्विगु
4. द्वन्द्व

Ques 2. अग्नि
1. सोम
2. अक्षि
3. आलय
4. हुताषन

Ques 3. जिसके आर-पार देखा जा सके।
1. दूरदर्षी
2. सूक्ष्मदर्षी
3. पारदर्षी
4. अतलदर्षी

Ques 4. धरेश
1. धराः + अश
2. धर + ईश
3. धरा + ईश
4. धरा + इश

Ques 5. आकर्षण
1. आकृष्ट
2. विकर्षण
3. अनाकर्षण
4. पराकर्षण

Ques 6. निम्नलिखित में से भाव-वाच्य वाक्य का चयन कीजिए।
1. सीता कपड़े सीती है।
2. यहॉ बैठा नहीं जाता।
3. कपडा सिया जाता है।
4. मेरे द्वारा पुस्तक पढी गई।

Ques 7. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. स्वतन्त्रता।संग्राम में प्राण गंवाने वाले
2.  वीरों के सम्मान में सरकार ने
3. एक दिन के सार्वजनिक अवकाष की घोषणा की है।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 8. अनिल-अनल
1. आग-हवा
2. हवा-पानी
3. जंगल-दोनो
4. हवा-आग

Ques 9. "अपमानित होना" नामबोधक क्रिया किसके संयोग से बनी है ?
1. कारक +क्रिया
2. विषेषण +क्रिया
3. सर्वनाम +क्रिया
4. संज्ञा +क्रिया

Ques 10. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए।
1. मुझ सरीखे से मूर्ख सदृष को
2. शास्त्रों का सैद्धान्तिक ज्ञान
3. आजीवन बुद्धिग्राह्य नहीं।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 11. "स्वजन" में कौनसा उपसर्ग है?
1. सु
2. सू
3. सव
4. स्व

Ques 12. अनायास
1. तत्पुरूष
2. द्वन्द्व
3. द्विगु
4. अव्यवी भाव

Ques 13. "अत्यंत" शब्द में किस उपसर्ग का प्रयोग हुआ है ?
1. अत्
2. अति
3. अ
4. अत्य

Ques 14. तरणि
1. सूर्य
2. नाव
3. युवती
4. नदी

Ques 15. निम्न में से दीर्घ संधि युक्त पद कौनसा है ?
1. महर्षि
2. देवेन्द्र
3. सूर्योदय
4. दैत्यारि

Ques 16. इनमें में कौन-सा शब्द "हरि" का अर्थ नहीं हे?
1. बन्दर
2. विष्णु
3. सिंह
4. भ्रमर

Ques 17. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. परिणति
2. परीणीत
3. परणिति
4. परीणीत

Ques 18. उपर्युक्त
1. उपः + युक्त
2. उपः + उत
3. उपर् + उक्त
4. उपरि + उक्त

Ques 19. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. चन्द्रमा की स्वच्छ चांदनी
2. जगती तल में
3. पृथ्वी तल और आकाष में फैली हुई है।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 20. व्यर्थ शब्द में किन वर्णो की संधि हुई है ?
1. संयोग
2. मनोहर
3. नमस्कार
4. पवन

Ques 21. मछली
1. जलचर
2. जलज
3. मेष
4. पंकज

Ques 22. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. सरवावसर
2. सर्वावसर
3. सर्ववासर
4. सवर्वासर

Ques 23. "अन्वय" एवं "अनुपयोग" शब्दों में उपसर्ग होंगे ?
1. अन अन्
2. अनु अन्
3. अन् अनु
4. अन अनु

Ques 24. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. लेखक ने केवल आलंकारिक पद्धति पर काव्य सर्जना नहीं की है
2. अपितु लाक्षणिक प्रयोगों के द्वारा भी
3. गहन अनुभूति को अभिव्यक्त किया हैं।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 25. मृगेन्द्र
1. शार्दूल
2. अहि
3. हिरन
4. कुरंग

Instruction : मेरे मकान के आगे चौराहे पर ढाबे के आगे फुटपाथ पर खाना खाने वाले लोग बैठते हैं – रिक्शेवाले, मजदूर, फेरीवाले, कबाड़ी वाले। आना-जाना लगा ही रहता है । लोग कहते हैं – “आपको बुरा नहीं लगता? लोग सड़क पर गंदगी फैला रहे हैं और आप इन्हें बरदाश्त कर रहे हैं? इनके कारण पूरे मोहल्ले की आबोहवा खराब हो रही है ।” मैं उनकी बातों को हल्के में ही लेता हूँ । मुझे पता है कि यहाँ जो लोग जुटते हैं वे गरीब लोग होते हैं ।अपने काम-धाम के बीच रोटी खाने चले आते हैं और खाकर चले जाते हैं । ये आमतौर पर बिहार से आए गरीब ईमानदार लोग हैं जो हमारे इस परिसर के स्थायी सदस्य हो गए हैं । ये उन अशिष्ट अमीरों से भिन्न हैं जो साधारण-सी बात पर भी हंगामा खड़ा कर देते हैं । लोगों के पास पैसा तो आ गया पर धनी होने का स्वर नहीं आया । अधजल गगरी छलकत जाए की तर्ज पर इनमें दिखावे की भावना उबल खाती है । असल में यह ढाबा हमें भी अपने माहौल से जोड़ता है । मैं लेखक हूँ तो क्या हुआ? गाँव के एक सामान्य घर से आया हुआ व्यक्ति हूँ । बचपन में गाँव-घरों की गरीबी देखी है और भोगी भी है । खेतों की मिट्टी में रमा हूँ, वह मुझमें रमी है । आज भी उस मिट्टी को झाड़झुड कर भले ही शहरी बनने की कोशिश करता हूँ, बन नहीं पाता । वह मिट्टी बाहर से चाहे न दिखाई दे, अपनी महक और रसमयता से वह मेरे भीतर बसी हुई है । इसीलिए मुझे मिट्टी से जुड़े ये तमाम लोग भाते हैं । इस दुनिया में कहा-सुनी होती है, हाथापाई भी हो जाती है लेकिन कोई किसी के प्रति गाँठ नहीं बाँधता । दुसरे-तीसरे ही दिन परस्पर हँसते-बतियाते और एक-दुसरे के दुःख-दर्द में शामिल होते दिखाई पड़ते हैं । ये सभी कभी-न-कभी एक-दूसरे से लड़ चुके हैं लेकिन कभी प्रतीत नहीं होती कि ये लड़ चुके हैं ।कल के गुस्से को अगले दिन धुल की तरह झाड़कर फेंक देते हैं।(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)
Ques 26. “इस दुनिया में कहा-सुनी होती है” – ‘इस दुनिया’ का संकेत है :
1. गाँव से शहर आ बसे गरीब
2. शहरसेगाँव आ बसे मजदूरों की दुनिया
3. लेखक को उकसाने वाला पड़ोस
4. अमीर किंतु अशिष्ट लोग

Ques 27. लोग लेखक से क्यों पूछते हैं कि क्या आपको बुरा नहीं लगता?
1. वे लोग आसपास गंदगी बिखेर देते हैं ।
2. वे लेखक से रुष्ट रहते हैं ।
3. उन्हें गरीबों से मेल-जोल पसंद नहीं ।
4. वे गंदे लोग हैं ।

Ques 28. लेखक लोगों की शिकायतों को हल्के में लेता है, क्योंकि :
1. शिकायत करना लोगों की आदत होती है
2. वह किसी बात को गंभीरता से नहीं लेता
3. लेखक उन्हें जानता-पहचानता है
4. जुटने वाले लोग गरीब और ईमानदार हैं

Ques 29. प्रस्तुत गद्यांश साहित्य की किस विधा के अंतर्गत आएगा?
1. कहानी
2. जीवनी
3. संस्मरण
4. रेखाचित्र

Ques 30. साधारण बात पर भी हंगामा कौन खड़ा कर देते हैं?
1. लेखक के परिचित लोग
2. अशिष्ट रेहड़ी-पटरी वाले
3. गाँव से आए गरीब मजदूर
4. अमीर किन्तु असभ्य लोग

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 4
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 2
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 4
Ques 8: 4
Ques 9: 2
Ques 10: 1
Ques 11: 4
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 2
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 4
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 1
Ques 18: 4
Ques 19: 3
Ques 20: 4
Ques 21: 1
Ques 22: 3
Ques 23: 2
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 1
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 4
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 4

Section : Language II (English)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. Taciturn
1. Gloomy
2. Sarcastic
3. Upset
4. Silent

Ques 2. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Farocious
2. Farotious
3. Ferocious
4. Ferrocious

Ques 3. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Dailemma
2. Dilemma
3. Dilema
4. Dillemma

Ques 4. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Warfare
2. Warffare
3. Warfarre
4. Warrfare

Ques 5. I made no bones about it and directly told him his offer was unacceptable.
1. Be rude
2. Warm behaviour
3. Be blunt
4. Have a strong opinion

Ques 6. Redeem
1. Punish
2. Save
3. Forget
4. Forgive

Ques 7. My overall (A) / financial (B) / goal is to build (C) / suffecient (D) / wealth. All correct (E)
1. overall
2. financial
3. build
4. suffecient

Ques 8. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Exhilirate
2. Exhiliret
3. Exhilarate
4. Exhilerate

Ques 9. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Circuitus
2. Circutous
3. Circutious
4. Circuitous

Ques 10. The services (A) / sector has contributed (B) / significantly (C) / to the economic grow. (D) / All correct (E)
1. services
2. contributed
3. significantly
4. grow

Ques 11. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Accommpany
2. Acompanny
3. Accompany
4. Accompanny

Ques 12. A storm in a tea-cup
1. To see signs of plague epidemic
2. To get back to previous state without results
3. To hide oneself
4. Worried for frivolous things

Ques 13. Looking back on the 3-0 series loss against Australia in the ODI, Raj suggested the heavy defeats had much to do with the fragility of the middle order and the inability of the bowling unit to perform at its consistent best.
1. Inferior
2. Imagine
3. Anticipate
4. Remember

Ques 14. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Knave
2. Kneve
3. Knaive
4. Knev

Ques 15. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Instalation
2. Insttalation
3. Installasion
4. Installation

Ques 16. Perpetual
1. Perfect
2. Confused
3. Never ending
4. Seasonal

Ques 17. FORBID
1. Forgive
2. Allow
3. Refuse
4. Deprive

Ques 18. Agriculture’s contribution to India’s economy extends __________ the rural economy and _________ many activities in the manufacturing and service sectors. Export surplus from the country’s agricultural trade is higher than the __________ figure achieved by the manufacturing sector.
1. below, include, analogous
2. moreover, higher, proportionate
3. beyond, encompasses, corresponding
4. outside, takeover, akin

Ques 19. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Restorent
2. Restaurant
3. Restaurent
4. Restarent

Ques 20. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Malnutrition
2. Malnutritiun
3. Malunatrition
4. Mallnutrition

Ques 21. and is different from a situation where the bank (A)/ rules and regulations at the expense of the bank (B)/ itself violates rules and regulations in order to benefit shareholders (C)/ a bank fraud is a situation in which employees subvert (D)/

Ques 22. To kick the bucket
1. To pass away
2. To keep people at a distance
3. To interfere in someone’s affairs
4. To lose a sustained share/position

Ques 23. To burn the candle at both ends
1. To work hard and stay up very late night
2. To contribute money for a party
3. To have faith in god
4. To commit a blunder

Ques 24. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Mannered
2. Manared
3. Manerred
4. Mannared

Ques 25. Abundant
1. Scarce
2. Acrimonious
3. Ingenuous
4. Heavenly

Instruction :
(A) According to it, organized retail stores are not wolves at the doors of friendly neighbourhood grocery stores as there is room for expansion of both.
(B) Many have been crying foul over the entry of organized retail stores expressing concern over their impact on small store owners.
(C) The final winner in the competition, however is the common man who gets to choose between the most suitable options and in turn fights with the runaway inflation in prices of essential commodities.
(D) In spite of this potential for expansion, it is doubtless that the small store owners face a decline in profit in initial years if organized retailers set up stores in the vicinity.
(E) But a study conducted over a period of two years goes a long way allaying these fears.
(F) This impact, however wears off once they learn to take of the competition which in turn enhances efficiency all around.
(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)

Ques 26. Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. E

Ques 27. Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Ques 28. Which of the following would be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. E

Ques 29. Which of the following would be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. E

Ques 30. Which of the following would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 2
Ques 4: 1
Ques 5: 3
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 4
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 4
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 4
Ques 14: 1
Ques 15: 4
Ques 16: 3
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 1
Ques 24: 1
Ques 25: 1
Ques 26: 4
Ques 27: 2
Ques 28: 3
Ques 29: 3
Ques 30: 1

Section : Mathematics

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. Speed of a boat in still water is 9 km/hr. It goes 12 km down stream and comes back to the starting point in three hours.What is the speed of water in the stream?
1. 3.5 km/hr
2. 3 km/hr
3. 5 km/hr
4. 5.5 km/hr

Ques 2. A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the ratio 7:5.When 9 litres of mixture are drawn off and the can is filled with B, the ratio of A and B becomes 7:9. How many litres of liquid A was contained by the can initially?
1. 21
2. 19
3. 18
4. 17

Ques 3. Two trains are running in opposite directions towards each other with speeds of 54 kmph and 48 kmph respectively. If the length of one train is 250 m and they cross each other in 18 seconds, the length of the other train is
1. 250 m
2. 270 m
3. 260 m
4. 280 m

Ques 4. What number comes next ?4, 196, 16, 144, 36, 100, 64
1. 36
2. 100
3. 80
4. 64

Ques 5. The banker's discount on Rs. 1600 at 15% per annum is the same as true discount on Rs. 1680 for the same time and at the same rate. The time is:
1. 3 months
2. 4 months
3. 6 months
4. 8 months

Ques 6. Today is Wednesday what will be the day after 94 days ?
1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Sunday

Ques 7. 1.14 expressed as a per cent of 1.9 is:
1. 6%
2. 10%
3. 60%
4. 90%

Ques 8. A sells an article to B at a profit of 10% B sells the article back to A at a loss of 10%. In this transaction:
1. A neither losses nor gains
2. A makes a profit of 11%
3. A makes a profit of 20%
4. B loses 20%

Ques 9. In covering a distance of 30 km, A takes 2 hours more than B. If Abhay doubles his speed, then he would take 1 hour less than B. A's speed is:
1. 5 kmph
2. 6 kmph
3. 6.25 kmph
4. 7.5 kmph

Ques 10.

A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be

1. 22
2. 23
3. 24
4. 26

Ques 11. A train traveling at 48 kmph completely crosses another train having half its length and traveling in opposite direction at 42 kmph, in 12 seconds. It also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. The length of the platform is
1. 550m
2. 600m
3. 450m
4. 400m

Ques 12. A man started his journey from Lucknow to Kolkata, which is 200 km, at the speed of 40 kmph then he went to Banglore which is 300 km, at the speed of 20 kmph. Further he went to Ahamdabad which is 500 km, at the speed of 10 kmph. The average speed of the man is :
1. 14(2/7) kmph
2. 14(5/7) Kmph
3. 15
4. 16

Ques 13. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 kms in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is:
1. 70 km/hr
2. 75 km/hr
3. 84 km/hr
4. 87.5 km/hr

Ques 14.

In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of ground is:

1. 75 cu. m
2. 750 cu. m
3. 7500 cu. m
4. 75000 cu. m

Ques 15. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M. is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:
1. 279
2. 283
3. 308
4. 318

Ques 16. A man can row at 5 kmph in still water. If the velocity of current is 1 kmph and it takes him 1 hour to row to a place and come back, how far is the place?
1. 2.4 km
2. 2.5 km
3. 3 km
4. 3.6 km

Ques 17.

3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21

1. 21
2. 17
3. 14
4. 3

Ques 18.

The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is:

1. 40%
2. 42%
3. 44%
4. 46%

Ques 19. In the Bombay Stock Exchange there are 45% female employees and thus the number of male employees is exceeded by 72. Hence the total no. of employees in the BSE is:
1. 540
2. 720
3. 800
4. 550

Ques 20. The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breadth. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square meter is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perimeter of the rectangle?
1. 47m
2. 39m
3. 52m
4. 40m

Ques 21. A is 50% as efficient as B. C does half of the work done by A and B together. If C alone does the work in 40 days, then A, B and C together can do the work in
1. 15 1/3 days
2. 13 1/3 days
3. 14 1/3 days
4. 12 1/3 days

Ques 22. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/hr and 36 km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is:
1. 50 Meter
2. 80 Meter
3. 72 Meter
4. 90 Meter

Ques 23. What is the ratio of 12 minute to 1 hour ?
1. 3-Feb
2. 4-Mar
3. 5-Jan
4. 4-Jan

Ques 24. The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is:
1. 40%
2. 42%
3. 44%
4. 46%

Ques 25. If 34 men completed 2/5th of a work in 8 days working 9 hours a day. How many more man should be engaged to finish the rest of the work in 6 days working 9 hours a day?
1. 89
2. 98
3. 102
4. 142

Ques 26. If Tuesday falls on the fourth of the month, then which day will fall three days after the 24th?
1. Monday
2. Thursday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday

Ques 27. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 km in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is:
1. 75 km/hr
2. 82,5 Km/hr
3. 90 Km/hr
4. 87.5 Km/hr

Ques 28.

If a - b = 3 and a2 + b2 = 29, find the value of ab.

1. 10
2. 12
3. 15
4. 18

Ques 29. If the profit per cent got on selling an article is numerically equal to its cost price in rupees and the selling price is Rs. 39, then cost price (in Rs.) will be
1. 20
2. 22
3. 28
4. 30

Ques 30. A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will A alone finish the work?
1. 31 days
2. 25 days
3. 27 days
4. 29 days

Answers are:
Ques 1: 2
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 3
Ques 7: 3
Ques 8: 2
Ques 9: 1
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 4
Ques 12: 1
Ques 13: 4
Ques 14: 2
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 1
Ques 17: 3
Ques 18: 3
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 4
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 3
Ques 24: 3
Ques 25: 3
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 4
Ques 28: 1
Ques 29: 4
Ques 30: 3

Section : Environmental Studies

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The combination of which of the following soils is best for plant growth
1. Clay, sand & gravel
2. Humus, clay & gravel
3. Sand, humus & gravel
4. Humus, sand & clay

Ques 2. Primary cause of acid rain around the world is due to
1. Ozone
2. carbon dioxide
3. sulfur dioxide
4. carbon monoxide

Ques 3. A human body consists of ________ number of bones
1. 205
2. 206
3. 207
4. 208

Ques 4. The objectives of the Wild Life (protection) Act 1972 is
1. To preserve the biodiversity
2. Protection and conservation of wild life
3. To maintain essential ecological and life supporting systems
4. All the above

Ques 5. Anthropoginal activities means :
1. Human activities
2. Natural activities
3. Bacteriological activities
4. Wild animals activities

Ques 6. Hydro electricity is generated from
1. Forests
2. Coal plants
3. Lakes and ponds
4. Water reservoir of river dams

Ques 7. Water used for irrigation of food crops, fodder crops and medical herbs in known as
1. Auxiliary use
2. Productive use
3. Commercial use
4. Consumptive use

Ques 8. An ecosystem consists of
1. Population
2. A biotic community
3. A population and its non-living elements
4. A biotic ecommunity and its non-living elements

Ques 9. Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant?
1. CFC
2. DDT
3. Freon's
4. Sewage

Ques 10. Which of the following is a natural source of Air pollution?
1. Storms
2. Acid rain
3. Precipitation
4. Volcanic eruptions

Ques 11. The perfect equilibrium existing in the biosphere between the various organisms is known as
1. Ecological cycle
2. Ecological balance
3. Environmental balance
4. None of these

Ques 12. Movement of Nutrients from the soil by the Acid Rain is called :
1. Leaching
2. Infiltration
3. Exfiltration
4. Transpiration

Ques 13. The major green house gas which is responsible for causing about 60% of the green house effect on earth among the following is
1. Nitrogen
2. Methane
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Carbon monoxide

Ques 14. Which of the following is the remedial measure for acid rain?
1. Use of coal[comma] free from sulphur
2. Use of electrostatic precipitator and catalytic converters
3. Reducing the release of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere
4. All of these

Ques 15. 'Minamata' disease is caused by
1. Lead
2. Arsenic
3. Mercury
4. Cadmium

Ques 16. Smog is combination of
1. Smoke and snow
2. Snow and fog
3. Smoke and fog
4. All the above

Ques 17. Noise pollution means
1. Loud sound
2. Unwanted sound
3. High frequency sound
4. Environmental pollution

Ques 18. World 'Ozone day' is being celebrated on every year
1. Sept 5th
2. Sept 16th
3. Oct 15th
4. June 5th

Ques 19. The mosquito repellent (coils, mats and liquids) that we generally use in our homes are:
1. Pesticides
2. Fertilizers
3. Sedatives
4. Insecticides

Ques 20. The equivalent of one Dobson unit is
1. 0.1 m
2. 0.01 m
3. 0.1 mm
4. 0.01 mm

Ques 21. Major source of Fluoride available in :
1. River water
2. Food products
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. Ground water

Ques 22. Physical pollution of water is due to
1. PH
2. Chlorides
3. Turbidity
4. All of these

Ques 23. Which of the following is not caused by the use of fertilizers in agriculture?
1. Eutrophication
2. Methemoglobinemia
3. Acidification and Salinity of soils
4. None of these

Ques 24. The important gaseous pollutants contributing to acid rain are
1. Oxygen and Nitrogen
2. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen (NOx)

Ques 25. Major problem/s due to industrialization is/are
1. Urbanization
2. Migration of people
3. Development of slums
4. All of the above

Ques 26. Flamingos have ______ kind of feet
1. Perching
2. Wading
3. Webbed
4. None of these

Ques 27. Percentage of nitrogen in earth's atmosphere is
1. 12%
2. 21%
3. 78%
4. 98%

Ques 28. The nature of relationship between condensation & evaporation is:
1. They are the same
2. They are opposite
3. They are similar but not in all respects
4. None of the above

Ques 29. Cholera and Typhoid are caused by
1. Virus
2. Fungus
3. Housefly
4. Bacteria

Ques 30. Trickle irrigation reduces
1. Percolation
2. Salinization
3. Water evaporation
4. All of these

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 2
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 1
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 2
Ques 8: 4
Ques 9: 4
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 1
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 3
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 2
Ques 19: 4
Ques 20: 4
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 3
Ques 23: 2
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 4
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 2
Ques 29: 4
Ques 30: 4

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